Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Notes

Happy Memorial Day!! I did not get a YouTube Logo or a Google Logo today sorry. But I this what have is I have a ribbon that is from the US.  I'll put the ribbon on at the end of the post. I was sick yesterday but I feel so much better now. Soon, I will ask if can have a Custom YouTube Logo for my birthday. This will be a great summer. We're at the end of the year now. There is not gonna be YouTube Logo as a label for this post like the Mother's Day Post. I will also not put Google Logo as a label to. The greatest day ever. However we had a severe storm yesterday and the power flicker out twice yesterday. Thank you this post. I also put the ribbon inside the bottom. The ribbon is attached to the bottom of this post.

Happy Memorial Day!


  1. Happy Memorial Day, BJ! I hope you feel better soon! Summer vacation is coming and you'll want to be able to get outside and play. :D

  2. I do feel better now Jeannette. I just have a cold. But now I feel all better now Jeannette.

  3. I'm very happy that you are feeling better! :D


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