Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tipped Bluster

A Religious Sea Bluster.The Seas can carry it into a christmasy and christmas color vehicle.The Raft In it can safe lifes but can be fun to go through big waves if it gets hit by fire or wave saves this vehicle ride and poeple and there stuff and food and anything in it.but hazardous seas can carry this mobile to a classic part of the seas.but it seems like a stew of steam as soon it will be a blaster.but icebergs carry it from the hydros and the plugs in the vehicle can be treated wrong as a protein as dead meat inside this vehicle.people and animals do not care if the vehicle can create a christmas by using religious power to make a christmas party in a planet that choosen that was choosen and then gets christmas for 5 weeks.that can be blasted from the vehicle.if it does'nt have a christmas tree it can be blasted in the sky in our home planet earth or another planet in space.

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