Saturday, February 5, 2011


A Forest Creature. A Bright Green Carnivore Killer Bug. It can be treated as Spacebutted by UFOS in the wildfires in its home the wildfires give it home but can beat up fire and eat fire without getting burned a it can kill people but if people kill a Moniquk A Moniquk Rampage starts and Moniquks kill Animals This Creature needs To be Extint its dangerous and harmfull any type of the approite place to find food but These creatures can eat Spinach A Trap mouth is harmfull to kill other animals Carnivores Omnivores and All herbvores the same time if a Moniquk kills  something kill Moniquks Back.


  1. They sound like they would be very happy living on Venus - do you think we could catch them and put them on a rocket to Venus?


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